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November 26, 2009



The Oxford Muse has an itch for self-help wisdom as well; come do check us out: http://muse.prettygetter.tv/

Manifesting abundance

"Very enjoyable post. Of course there is more to self help than just work, work, work, but I think that in this modern age of instant gratification and, as you point out, the simplistic approach of The Secret many people forget (or don't want to aknowledge) that self improvement takes persistance, commitment and a lot of work."

Yup I totally agree!

personal development

Very enjoyable post. Of course there is more to self help than just work, work, work, but I think that in this modern age of instant gratification and, as you point out, the simplistic approach of The Secret many people forget (or don't want to aknowledge) that self improvement takes persistance, commitment and a lot of work.

Drew Byrne

I once read this book by Samuel Smiles (or flicked through it with curiosity as my guide), and I found it to be full of other people’s aphorisms; aphorisms, by the way, that seemed indispensable for success. But did that make people successful? No, probably not. But what does make people successful is the capacity to “endeavour to persevere”; and that’s as true as it gets, even though it is very, very annoying remark to make as advice, to someone who’s just down on his luck today…

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