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January 04, 2010



Nice ideas dear..
And the idea of TAKE AN IMAGINATIVE JOURNEY is ultimate among all of them.


I began what seemed a small adventure 'through the looking glass', last year, after I'd got to thinking that what I felt on the inside was manifesting itself on the outside - ie, a mess. What started as a journey of self discovery by way of my wardrobe, and considering where what I was wearing came from and where it went to after I'd worn it out, has taken me on unexpected internal and external explorations. And I'd thoroughly recommend such a journey to anyone.

So I will definitely be trying on some other geezer's shoes and expanding my empathetic horizons in 2010. Interestingly enough for me I recently saw the film version of The Diving Bell & the Butterfly, which I found beautiful, tragic, strangely funny, and ultimately utterly amazing; I adore Down & Out in Paris & London; and have found myself pondering Helen Keller's life of late - so your reading list may well be the perfect, thought-provoking companions on the next leg of my adventure!

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