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March 05, 2010



The pursuit of happiness. what a statement. Could it be that we are looking for something that we have not lost? The result of finding something that we have not lost is absurd. How many people search for the pair of glasses that are already planted on their foreheads and feel like idiots when someone points this out to them. Maybe that's all it takes. Someone to place a mirror in front of us to see what we thought we had lost.


Thanks for this wonderful post which rings true.

The Work with Byron Katie turns people toward acceptance of what is and this acceptance brings peace. I'm new to The Work which is based on four questions and I have found that turning my mind away from how I think life and people should be then back to accepting reality - happiness is a natural product.


What you're saying also speaks to the Buddhist idea of being in the moment

teresa faria

I totaly agree with your words. It reminds me the budist philosophy that says something like this: creating expectations on anything only brings us suffering because we create a mental image that will never be real, because its just mental, life always gives you something different. So its better just to be happy with the moment life gives you than being always expecting something different!
Teresa Faria

Happy Frog and I

I enjoyed your article and it reminded me of one of my favourite quotes; 'My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?' Charles M Schulz

Angeliki B

That’s a very interesting entry and I couldn’t agree more with what you’re saying. However, for some of us just “trying not to try” doesn’t work that well. Sometimes, we need to have a goal to become happy and deliberately plan activities that make us feel nice. Having many of these activities planned can ultimately lead to happiness.


Happiness is being content with and by pursuing the things one finds gratifications in. Focus on things that matter to you and skip the rest. Enough is enough.


Dear Robert, with your short article you have clarified something I have struggled with for years. I knew the pursuit of happiness was a false dichotomy, but your clarification made it evident.

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