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March 07, 2011


Healthy Relationship with Best Spot Town

If Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner gets her way, men seeking prescriptions for erectile-dysfunction will be required to undergo sexual counseling. Along the same lines, Virginia Sen. Janet Howell proposed linking Viagra prescriptions to digital rectal exams.


Alain, I'm a big fan of nearly all you write, but I think you just barely got it right on the Christianity part. That "the misery of work was an unavoidable consequence of the sins of Adam and Eve" is accurate, but there's another side. The other side is that meaningful work was part of the Creator's provision for the beings He created. He created them to work, to co-labor and create in the place he planted them before sin entered the picture. Sin just made that work much harder. I appreciate your reflective article.


It seems to me that this set of expectations results in polarization: a few BIG winners (those married and in love and working for pleasure) and a majority of broken dreams and expectations.

In such situations, it seems prudent for the majority to shift their expectations to align with happiness: meaning less optimistic views on marriage / love and work / play... but, I just can't bring myself to believe that is the best answer.

I guess we are hard-wired to shoot for the moon.


Marry a mid life crisis with its search for meaning and a bunch of coaching and self help philosophies about doing the work you love and being paid well for it and, oh, the pressure!

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