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May 09, 2012



I firmly believe in the power of working on our thought patterns to improve our well-being, having followed a long course of neuro-linguistic programming to address chronic weight issues. Initially I did not see any change in my weight or my ability/willingness to tackle the amount I was eating and drinking, but I realise now that what the NLP did was to make me believe in myself and now, several years later, I am re-married, have lost 3 stone on weight watchers, with the help of that community you mention in your article, and have turned my back on a toxic lifestyle of commuting to the City every day. I really enjoyed this article, and will be reading more of your writing on your blog.

Nancy Hey

Great post. Rhonda Cornum's psychological fitness programme for the us army is deeply impressive.

Drew Byrne

It is very useful stuff, this good advice from the ancients. Collecting and sorting this stuff out can become a valuable pastime. But how to pick and choose what to remember, that is the question. And one can become so full of the stuff that one forgets what it all meant in the first place; or, worse still, forget where one put the answer. Perhaps it is better to accept that one is a rather limited individual of finite resources and just grin and bear it, and just get on with life, happy or not, looking for something better or not, and just live as best one can. As, after all, we haven't really got too much time to worry about it all anyway. We might not become perfect sages, but maybe we can all become a little wiser and happier, and so really get to know our onions better after all.

Nicky Roberts

As a life coach that has been trained in strategic intervention I am fascinated by this article. (Strategic Intervention makes use of many CBT principles and practices.) Thank you for writing this very interesting article

Jan Kassell@TheThinkingRoom

Great article - lucky you to have met Ellis, someone whose work I much admire!
Not many people know about the links between the greek philosophers and
cbt, always interesting to highlight this!


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